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Writer's picture: MamoMamo

Updated: Jul 29, 2021

The process of getting a screened in porch and new siding and a few new windows looked like it was finally going to start. Weather and the company’s availability had prolonged the start of the projects. I was getting worried about a couple things related to the projects starting so I asked my mom, who was then in rehab after a major heart surgery, to pray. She had a beautiful prayer that included my husband and I giving our burdens to God, that we wouldn’t see things as possibly going wrong but instead falling into place like well-played tetris, and transferring ownership - ownership of our home, us, our boys, even our couch, from us to God.

Instantly I thought, well, then I need to take better care of those things! I didn’t feel the burden of NEEDING to take care of them, which can often sneak up on my mind if I don’t take those thoughts captive and combat them with God’s truth. But, instead, I wanted to steward well the things God has given me because, if our Holy God is the owner, it is worthy of being taken care of.

What does stewardship look like? I am still learning but I think it means letting go of the fear of something or someone hurting or breaking. The people I love are His first. God can and will do good things through the shadows of hard times that are part of their lifetime masterpieces. He is the frame that holds their masterpiece. If I held their masterpiece the canvas would crumple in a pile on the ground.

It means treating my own body as a temple where God presides. A temple that trusts its presider and is well fed with healthy food and gets plenty of exercise and rest.

It means using my time and energy in a way that brings Him glory, that points myself and others to Jesus.

It means simplicity, which I’ve always wanted but haven’t quite been able to achieve. Maybe I just need reminders of this perspective change of transferring ownership to God? Simplicity, to me, means having a lot fewer possessions and less clutter so that we can give the space and possessions we have to others in need or to bless others. I want to trust that God will provide and really focus on our main mission of actively loving, being kind, and being open. No closed doors to hide the junk? Yes, please, just show me how to get there with two little kids who have a truck load of toys and craft supplies. Or maybe one day God will tell my husband and I to pick up and go somewhere else. That’d be a whole lot easier without mountains of stuff to cling on to.

In thinking that God owns everything we are and have, He can do what He wills with the building of our porch and with the timing of it all. The timing of it being built seems like a God thing. My mom ended a 6 week hospital stay right before the house projects were set to start. Once it’s complete He can do what He wills with the use of it. We dream of using it for connecting and praying and already have some ideas for its use lined up.

I will choose to put myself, my loved ones, my home, and my possessions in His hands. He has proven Himself faithful. As a fallen human, I keep coming back to the seemingly impossible task of the road to ownership transfer. I don’t want to see my kids get hurt. I can’t get rid of the stuff because I’ll use it at some later date. It’s hard to find time to take care of this temple. It's so nice to relax instead of furthering the kingdom. But what am I missing out on by holding tightly and not transferring ownership and stewarding wisely?

How can I pass on the skill of recognizing that everything is God’s to my kids when I don’t even do it very well myself?

Here are some ideas for you and for me:

  • Ask others to pray for you.

  • Constantly tell kids and yourself that God made them and loves them.

  • Show kids what it looks like to take good care of the things and body God has given us.

  • Specifically think about who is in charge of each part of your life and call it out. Say out loud, “God owns this house.” “God created me and can use me how He wants.” “God has my kids in His hands.” “God blessed me with all I own and can use those things any way He wants.” Be on the lookout for how He may want to use you or your things.

  • Start each day/activity/prayer with a momentary centering calm/quiet moment. I pause a moment before praying and M (4 years old) recently asked why. I told him I was remembering who I was about to pray to. M said, “That’s interesting.” I hope it becomes ingrained in him and I to take moments to realize that every thing, person, and situation is in His powerful, all-encompassing hands.

  • Consistently give things away and encourage kids to do so with toys/clothes they don't need anymore. Nurture the idea but let them lead the process, if possible.

  • Explain that God would still love them if their room is messy and if their clothes are wrinkled. Explain that God gives us the choice of how our spaces and bodies look. Imagine that King Jesus is in your room and looking at you, what would you want your body and room to look like for Him? Also, taking care of their room and house may be a good way to respectfully be a member of the family and may be a great way to show love to other members of the family. It may be a good way to set aside distractions and be able to focus on God better.

  • Demonstrate for our love-to-copy children an attitude of praying instead of worrying, of giving instead of taking, and of inviting in rather than closing up. Explain why you’re doing these things. With God's help.


We, and everything we have, are Yours. Help us act like it.

Give us eyes to see how You are working and using what You’ve given us.



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